How restaurant management software compares to paper systems

Rachel Hellon
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

A good restaurant management system can do a lot for your business from helping you complete daily task lists to compliance management. Traditionally this has been done through the use of log books, folders and a lot of on hand management. But as the industry has grown and moved forward, more and more growing businesses are switching to restaurant management software which brings more organisation and visibility to your business which not only can make your life as a member of staff, manager or owner easier but can help take your business to the next level.

What does restaurant management software bring to the table?

Managing tasks online is nothing new but during the pandemic, it has proved its viability in the Hospitality industry. Quickly replacing the old fashioned method of working using paper. What they aim to do is lift some of the weight off the shoulders of owners, BDMs and venue managers who typically have been responsible for doing everything on their own.

Why switch from paper to a digital restaurant management system?

You can't beat hard work and experience. Everyone has their own way of working and using log books has been the standard for years now. It's worked thus far so why make the change?

In short, you don’t, digital tools aren't for everyone but if you're looking to streamline your business and cut down on the time you spend on compliance, audits and managing staff it might be worth considering going the digital route. Especially if you have more than 1 venue to keep up with.

Problems that restaurant management software could solve

A compliance nightmare

This is a big one because of how much has to go into keeping your business complaint especially with the rise of covid and new regulations. What a tool like Hopsy does is bring all compliance tasks into one place where they are simplified into daily, weekly and monthly checklists for your staff to complete. No one left questioning what it is they need to do and you can see exactly how you're performing.

Forgotten tasks and understaffing

Staff are the most important part of a successful business, especially in hospitality. So when you're understaffed it comes at a cost to your customers and everyone else. Keeping a staff rota is one solution but without a set system it quickly becomes confusing and problems start to arise. A digital staff rota makes managing your staff simpler. Everyone is on the same page but better yet they allow for clear task management so as soon as staff clock in they know exactly what needs to be done and when. If you're looking for free employee management software we provide a free rota tool you can sign up for here >> (link)

Lack of clear reporting

You might not think reporting is that important if you own and run a single venue but you'd be surprised what real-time data can do for your business. Having the clarity and metrics to measure success makes it easier to spot problems and work on driving improvement. If you work in or own a larger multi-venue business you already know the importance of clear reporting but with infrequent audits, you're always one step behind. A top-level view of all activity bridges that disconnect so you're never left in the dark.

Food safety certifications

Your chefs are experts when it comes to food safety and most likely take all the necessary precautions but how do you demonstrate that to help achieve a 5-star rating? Having high standards in the kitchen is a start. You can complete all your risk assessments, food safety checks and more all within a tool like Hopsy. It’s all recorded in one place so you can show it to the inspector and prove that your business is operating under all safety guidelines quickly and easily.

Are team management tools like Hopsy free?

We cant speak for other tools on the market but a good amount of what we offer is free. The premium version of Hopsy does have a cost of £50 a month per venue but when you take into account how much less travel and time you need to spend doing audits, reporting, and on printing, in the long run, it ends up saving you money especially if you have multiple venues. It's also future proof, adapting to the current state of the industry and growing in the features that it provides which means less and work and fewer headaches.

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